Where do you primarily shop for your kids clothes test?

It seems like my kids are growing all the time and I am constantly on the search for new clothes for them. With the emergence of buy/sell/trade groups on social media over the past few years, more and more people are turning to second hand clothes for their growing kids. Still others want to dress their littles in the fanciest boutique outfit out there. And some moms and dads despise leaving the house to buy anything and do all their shopping online.

Curious to know where you shop for your kids clothes? Are you a bargain shopper or willing to pay full price?

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  •   -   02/06/2018

    We have been so fortunate to receive hand-me-downs from friends. We get so many things that I rarely shop. But when I do, it's bargain shopping at Walmart, Old Navy, etc.

  •   -   02/07/2018

    Fortunately for us, Grandma is our favorite source of new clothing for our kids! I’ll also add that you can’t beat Costco for essentials like pajamas or winter outerwear!

    •   -   02/07/2018

      Or for clothes that you never knew you needed. Impulse shopping!

      •   -   02/08/2018

        Ha, so true!! Then again, my baby definitely needed that fuzzy sweater with the cute little bear ears on the hood... :)

        •   -   12/24/2018

          Just saw this comment, but I'm pretty sure we had (still have) more than one version of this :)

  •   -   02/07/2018

    Little boys destroy clothing, which is probably why most of the hand-me-downs I was blessed with stopped at size 4T. Kohls, Target and Old Navy make decent clothing that holds up to the rough play of boys without breaking the bank. I can't stomach paying a lot for pants that likely will have a hole in the knee after one season!

    •   -   02/07/2018

      This! It's like you read my mind. So true! I can not tell you how many holes in knees my boys have gone through. We recently found a pair of athletic pants from Lands End (at Sears) that have a double knee. They're holding up well so far. Check them out!

      •   -   02/09/2018

        How have I not heard of these before! A double knee is brilliant!

  •   -   02/06/2018

    I am a bargain shopper so I usually buy my kids stuff at places like Target or Kohls. Plus being the youngest in my family, I am blessed to receive a lot of hand-me-downs for my boys from my sisters. I like to touch and feel what I'm buying so I don't buy too much online.

  •   -   02/07/2018

    I love online shopping because it lets me avoid setting foot in the stores! For clothes, I tend to order from the same few places so I can feel confident about sizing and quality. Though I do agree that Costco is a great place to stock up on basics like pajamas and boys pants.

    •   -   12/23/2018

      I find it a lot harder to control myself if I set foot in the stores. Especially because it seems like there's always a crazy sale going on! I agree that online can make it easier to buy less!

  •   -   12/24/2018

    I used to frequent Carters, Children's Place Osh Kosh when my kids were younger but now I tend to get most of their clothes at Target or Kohl's.

  •   -   02/26/2024

    This is a testing comment written on feb 26 2024

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