If you could hire someone to take over one chore for life, which one would you choose?

Housework is a part of life, especially with little ones, and sometimes it feels never ending. But is there one chore that you would choose to give up for life if money were not a factor?

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  •   -   03/02/2018

    I don't mind so much the washing/drying part of doing laundry, and I'm even ok with the folding/putting away part. It's the matching socks for 6 people that I can't stand! I have often wished for a sock-matching fairy to take this chore away from me :)

    • Anonymous
        -   03/05/2018

      There are mesh bags you can buy that are washing machine and dryer friendly which you can use to keep all socks together.

    •   -   03/09/2018

      Lol! That's funny! Seems like a good job for one of your kiddos.

    •   -   03/10/2018

      I gave up on sending my daughter out into the world with matching socks basically as soon as she was born. For the rest, if I don't see the match right away I throw it in a "sad sock" bin and make my husband sort it with me when we run out of matched socks. We race to see who can make more pairs. We really need a date night.

  •   -   03/02/2018

    I don't mind daily or weekly straightening up of the house, it's the "deep" cleaning chores I would want to do away with! Bathrooms and vacuuming I would pass off in a minute!

  •   -   03/02/2018

    There are always dishes in the sink and I can never keep up- washing dishes is the one chore I dislike the most!

    •   -   03/03/2018

      To make washing dishes more tolerable, I put on my favorite music and it is less painful. Or I will make a limit, like I'm going to wash dishes for 10 minutes only and then can do the rest later. Otherwise it feels never ending.

    •   -   03/03/2018

      I agree. I don't have a dishwasher, for the past 3 years but hope to get one when I move eventually!

  •   -   03/02/2018

    General cleaning doesn't bother me. I hate vacuuming and washing the floors!

    • Anonymous
        -   03/05/2018

      General cleaning doesn't bother me, either, and often it can be very therapeutic, but since having a little one I sometimes find myself racing against the clock!

  •   -   03/08/2018

    I do not enjoy house cleaning, but I have lucked out that my husband is a clean freak and will often take on the job. I'd much rather do laundry and I enjoy cooking so no problem there.

  •   -   03/09/2018

    I'm cheating a little with my answer because I definitely like cleaning the least, but we have already outsourced that task! I can manage the picking up as long as I don't have to do the weekly deep cleans. I wish I could also outsource cooking & meal prep, not because I don't enjoy it, but because it is usually one of the biggest sources of stress in my life! I never have enough time to cook, often everyone eats slightly different meals because two are picky and one is a baby, and I would prefer to always have healthy home-cooked meals, but struggle with the time and skill to do that.

  •   -   03/13/2018

    My answer is laundry, since ours is in the basement. It's almost impossible to lug baskets up and down the stairs with a toddler in tow -- especially now that I'm 20 weeks pregnant! I'll clean all the bathrooms, but someone PLEASE come do my laundry.

  •   -   03/09/2018

    If I could snap my fingers each night and have my house magically picked up and clutter free, I'd be a happy woman. I don't mind actual cleaning, but my kids leaving their stuff everywhere is what drives me crazy!

  •   -   03/10/2018

    I feel like 'cleaning' encompasses a lot of the other answers. Specifically I'd give up cleaning the kitchen. In addition to endless dishes, it's like every surface needs a scrub every time someone makes a sandwich. It's the never-ending aspect that gets to me.

  •   -   06/08/2018

    It's not so much that I dislike cooking as I do picking out what to buy and cook. If I could hire someone to meal plan for me that would be awesome!

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